Four Dots
Four Dots Blog

from the blog

Recently, the number of Four Dots website visitors reached 100k on the dot (or four), which made us revisit some of our main digital marketing tactics, take a closer look at some of our previous moves, and delve a bit deeper into what exactly helped us reach the 100k visitors mark.

Digital marketing has always been a stormy sea to sail upon, but since we know that smooth seas never make skilled sailors (cliche-metaphor count: 1), our brave Four Dots team decided to pivot our ship towards the turbulent, open sea and progress bow-first into the unknown.

In hindsight, the ride was sometimes jumpy and sometimes smooth, but enjoyable and edifying, nonetheless.

As we are predominantly an SEO company, our blog’s main goal isn’t reaching as many unique visitors as possible within a short timeframe. But hitting 100k does feel good, we won’t lie about that. Which is exactly why our team felt determined to share some neat and, more importantly, actionable guidelines we assembled, tested and deployed throughout the years. Guidelines that will hopefully be quite helpful to both young digital marketing companies and aspiring freelancers.

But first, let’s go over some of the most useful metrics we gleaned from our website, and why they were more than helpful.

Some stats, stat!

The metrics we tracked are mainly about who is coming to our website. Knowing your target audience is vital for any business, so here’s what we found about our valued users:

4 Charts showing the stats of our 100k unique visitors

Most read blog posts:

1. Use SSL/HTTPS To Rank & Look Better on Google (35.50%)
2. How PornHub Dominates with Content Marketing (8.08%)
3. The Inbound Growth Hacking Bible (2.71%)
4. 2017 Content Marketing Calendar (2.42%)
5. 19 Experts Recommend SEO and WordPress Plugins (1.87%)

But what exactly drove 100k visitors to our website? What helped us attract this loyal audience? The answer lies within the following 9 tips.

1. Have a Fast, Responsive and Intuitive Website

Much like the eyes are the window to your soul, your website is the window to your business (cliche-metaphor count: 2). Your web pages are often the very first impression you get to make on your potential clients, so you must be sure to come off as professional as possible right from the get-go.

This is why having a fast, responsive and intuitive platform makes all the difference. Making sure it is easy on the eyes won’t hurt either.

2. Create Quality, Engaging and Informative Content that Covers Relevant Topics

Once you have a cool-looking, working, and easily reachable shop, it is time to fill it with quality products. Offering useful and relevant content is the main ingredient for audience engagement, brand growth/development, and your ultimate success in the annoyingly metamorphic digital marketing landscape.

Quality content and a deep understanding of what your audience responds to the most can make or break all the other efforts you’ve previously made or will have made in the future.

3. Know Your Target Audience and How to Find Them

One of the most vital yet for some reason often overlooked aspects of a successful digital agency is – knowing your target audience. This is why tracking the right metrics, and more importantly, knowing how to utilize them efficiently, is the key to fast clientele growth.

Barking up the wrong tree results in nothing but noise and a waste of both energy and time. However, finding a tree with a squirrel isn’t always a walk in the park (cliche-metaphor count: 3). This is where defining your target audience and knowing how and where to reach them comes into play.

Forest path with squirrels on trees

After all, you probably wouldn’t try opening a death metal band t-shirts stand in the middle of the Disney World, right? (though this does sound like a true Sunday-funday)

4. Make Sure You Have Flawless and Fast Customer Support Service

Establishing a professional relationship with your clients is a must, but treating them like family and making them feel like they are all members of a small community is what truly makes an impact on your customers. So, having a resourceful and reliable customer support service should be one of your top priorities. This includes engaging in constructive conversations with your users via:

  • On-site customer support
  • Facebook group
  • Email
  • Other social media networks…

Here’s an informative article on how the team behind one of our marketing tools – Reportz – managed to achieve fast growth: How to Build and Grow a Successful Facebook Group in Under a Month.

5. Skills. Expertise. Experience.

In the cruel and oversaturated world of content marketing, only the best survive. And to be among those, your company must be comprised of people who are:

  • eager to learn
  • eager to acquire new skills
  • hungry for experience
  • not afraid to step out of their comfort zone

Chain is only as strong as its weakest link, especially in the world of SEO (cliche-metaphor count: 4), so don’t hesitate to say goodbye to your weakest links whenever there’s the apparent need for it.

6. Data Transparency and Security

Clients are what makes the business world go round, so making sure they always get what they need is more than necessary. In the online world, clients don’t only seek quality service, they also want to know that their data is secure. This is something we at Four Dots take very seriously and our clients reciprocate by staying loyal to us.

7. Guest Blogging on Websites and Platforms With High Rep

One of the best inbound marketing strategies that can help you drive traffic to your website is to write blog posts for other successful platforms. This way you will be able to:

  • Get more visitors
  • Reach new audiences
  • Increase exposure
  • Build credibility

8. Develop Your Own Tools that Can Help Others within Your Niche

Aristotle once said: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence/Quality is not an act, it is a habit, and every once in a while there comes a time when you need to take matters into your own hands and build your own quality software.” Ok, this last part wasn’t by Aristotle, but it IS true.

Aristotle with sunglasses sharing wisdom

When our company got fed up with Google captchas and other bottlenecks inherent to manual link prospecting, we went out there and created our own potent link prospecting tool – Dibz.

When we realized we have too many clients for which we need to create monthly or weekly reports, and that we were “wasting” hours and hours on assembling metrics and creating reports, we developed a potent data-tracking and reporting piece of software – Reportz.

When we needed a smart and intuitive way to check the status of our links and a place where we could have all the details related to our links right at our fingertips, we developed an advanced link management tool – Base.

These useful pieces of software helped us gain thousands of satisfied new users in a very short period of time.

Wanna grow? Then create.

9. Quality Social Media Marketing Campaign

Social media networks have become the very fulcrum of online marketing. Devising a powerful social media marketing strategy is obligatory for any digital marketing agency that wants to reach new customers and seeks fast clientele growth.

Create profiles on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn… and use these omnipresent and rather influential platforms to promote your content. Of course, make sure you don’t overdo it by posting too often and commenting wherever and whenever you can. This will almost instantly create a spammy vibe around your brand.

Thank you for reading all the way through. We hope you found these tips as helpful as we have. Now go and deploy some of these tactics to your own business and wait for your own 100.000th visitor. Remember, opportunity only knocks once (cliche-metaphor count: 5).

For a quick overview, we have compiled the methods that allowed us to reach these visitors and presented them in this infographic:

Infographic with tips for reaching 100k visitors on a website

If you find this infographic and tips useful, feel free to share them with your friends on social media.


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Radomir Basta CEO and Co-founder
Radomir is a well-known regional digital marketing industry expert and the CEO and co-founder of Four Dots with 15 years of experience in agency digital marketing and SEO strategy, SaaS startup dev and launch, and AI solutions advocacy.

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