Four Dots

Local SEO Search

4 in 5 consumers
conduct local searches
on search engines.*
This is why your business simply needs local SEO.


Local SEO is a popular online marketing strategy among small businesses whose target audience is segmented based on location. This is especially true in recent years when the number of local searches grows rapidly with the increased usage of mobile devices. If your business operates for instance, in New York exclusively, and has a geographically defined target audience, Local SEO is probably the best strategy you can use to boost your business.

Local search drives both traffic
and conversions


Searches made on mobile devices not only often target local results, they also lead to conversions much more frequently than the same searches made on desktop computers.


Local visibility is especially important for businesses with a physical location, which are catering to a specific region, but it can also benefit online oriented businesses. Despite the fact that your services are globally available, a chance to rank higher for searches relevant to your region shouldn’t be passed up.

Another reason everyone should invest in local search optimization is the fact that the way search engines qualify the results has gone through some rather dramatic changes in the recent years. The shift from a keyword to entity based search model means that in order to rank well on any level, local or global, you need to be established as a search entity. One of the ways to do this is by supplying search engines with easily verifiable data, which is exactly what local optimization allows you to do.


Small Business SEO opportunity


The primary goal of local SEO techniques is to optimize your website to be found by the audience from a particular city, region, province or any other geographically defined area. This is a result of search engines showing your pages higher in search results than most global queries. Of course, there’s much more to local visibility optimization than simply finding a couple of directories to list your business in. Some of the critical parts of website optimization for local search include:


  • Keyword research for local search
  • Onsite optimization (content, page and URL structure optimization)
  • Offsite optimization (local citations and directory listings)


After determining the sets of keywords to focus on, we perform an audit of your existing assets and an NAP (Name, Address, Phone) analysis , ensuring consistency in your listings. This was an essential part of the process even before the semantic web imposed an entity-based approach, and is even more significant since the updates. Basically, NAP analysis consists of ensuring that every listing you have comes with uniform, accurate information on your business details, and is one of obligatory steps in becoming a well defined web entity.


Our job


In addition to the basic steps, as your reliable New York City SEO partner, we make sure that you don’t run into problems with duplicate content or keyword cannibalization (non-synchronized and disorganized approach to distributing keyword equities and targets across your various pages – basically, competing against yourself for certain keywords).


Optimization of social media channels is as integral when it comes to local search as it is with just about any other aspect of online marketing efforts, making it one of our areas of focus in any local campaign.

Finally, aside from making sure that you are represented on all relevant and trusted local directories, reviews websites and other, similar sources, we’ll go the extra mile and try and ensure as any mentions and links on other trusted local sources, like newspapers, regional industry organizations, and everything else that might help establish you as a relevant, trustworthy entity.



The results of an efficient local SEO strategy should be noticeable in a relatively short period due to market specificities. Typically, local small business with unique service or product proposition would relatively easily develop in the online world, considering the fact they are not competing in the overly crowded market. With a little push through the right online channels, local businesses can become leaders in their respective region. Furthermore, this can be an excellent branding strategy for local businesses whose products or services are locally oriented.
Sounds Like A Strategy For Your Small Business?
Consult our Local SEO Experts Now!


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Radomir Basta
CEO and lead SEO strategist at Four Dots and lecturer at Digital Marketing Institute Also an angry driver and huge tattoo fan. In love with growth hacking.


Four Dots Testimonials
  • I am very pleased with the campaign that Four Dots formulated for us. Apart from a significant increase in rankings and traffic, it was their level of involvement and versatility that really made an impression.

    Vladan Dobrenov, Founder

  • When we are talking about top tier SEO services, Four Dots is definitely taking the top spot. Fantastic team, great organisation and shiny results. We are always happy when we get a monthly report – simply astonishing.

    Nemanja Veselinovic, Founder

  • Four Dots has delivered outstanding results month on month, without the work that Four Dots provides we would not be in business. Radomir and the team are always there to help, and provide prompt responses. Would recommend them!

    Aaron Weller, Owner

  • Onsite modifications alone would make hiring Four Dots a worthwhile investment, but I was extremely satisfied with every aspect of our cooperation, from reporting to the direction in which they took our brand.

    Goran Radovanovic, Project manager Mobile Shop

  • With Four Dots, we rapidly obtained tangible results (Google first page) and we are very happy of their level of involvement in the project. Four Dots is the professional SEO Company we were looking for.

    Marko Sekulovic, Manager

  • I’ve had the pleasure of working with Radomir and his team for the past 12 months. From content curation to strategy, Four Dots’ expertise have shone through in all aspects of their work. With Crucial on the way up, it’s safe to say we’re very happy with the results.

    Hendrik Kruizinga, Customer Experience Team Leader


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