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Hello and welcome to another edition of Digital Marketing Week in Review by Four Dots – our weekly column where we comb through some of the most relevant news and events that took place within the digital marketing landscape over the last week or so.

Let’s see what “September 2020: Week 1” edition brings us: 

  • Facebook’s New Education Stream for Community Managers is Here
  • Google Image Search Results Will Include “Licensable” Badges 
  • AMP for WordPress Plugin Rolled Out Version 2.0 
  • Google’s New AdSense Reporting Page is Here!
  • Apple to Launch Their Own Search Engine?

Alrighty then, let’s dive right in!


Facebook’s New Education Stream for Community Managers is Here

As the good people from Facebook explained later last week:

“The Community Manager eLearning Program is a series of free courses that serve as a holistic guide to community management – from building the foundation of a community, to measuring and analyzing a community’s success. The program is designed to help you learn how to build, scale and sustain a meaningful online community more effectively and efficiently.”

Basically, this course offers its attendees the right tools to maximize group engagement in turn maximizing your reach. Of course, this still leaves you vulnerable to Facebook’s algorithm shifts and all the headache it brings with it. 

Still, Facebook claims that Groups are becoming a bigger part of its appeal by the day – namely 200 million people are part of FB groups at this moment. This is especially important when it comes to sharing information and data during a world-wide crisis as we have with COVID-19. 


Google Image Search Results Will Include “Licensable” Badges 

From now on, Google image search results will include the information if the image can be licensed for use on your website, marked with a “licensable” badge with the link to the image’s licence details. 

Google Image Search Results Will Include “Licensable” Badges | Four Dots

(Image Source: Google Blog)

“… with a seemingly infinite number of images online, finding the right image to use, and knowing how to use that image responsibly, isn’t always a simple task.

After collaborating closely with image creators, stock image providers and digital content associations, we’re launching several new features on Google Images to address this need.”

Of course, the named license details will be available for Google to display only if the publisher provides them using structured data or IPTC photo metadata markup.

Another great thing about this new option is that you can now filter image search results to only include images with licensing information. However, as Google’s John Mueller explained earlier this year, this new option will have no impact on search results. 


AMP for WordPress Plugin Rolled Out Version 2.0

AMP plugin, also known as Accelerated Mobile Pages, got upgraded to version 2.0. Why should you care? Because this awesome page accelerator just became even more awesome and with even more options – we’ll name just a few: 

  • All AMP-compatible themes, template modes and content types can now serve as AMP. 
  • When in reader mode, the plugin will offer you two versions of the customizer:
    – The default Customizer for the active theme
    – The AMP Customizer for the AMP Reader theme
  • The plugin will now synchronize overall site settings in order to maintain brand affinity between AMP and non-AMP pages.
  • Tooling updates
  • Updates to Embedded Validation Tools

And many more…


Google’s New AdSense Reporting Page is Here!

On August 25th the company announced they have launched the new AdSense reporting page, with the old page getting its well-deserved retirement later this year. The new page will be rolled out in stages, so it might take a week or two before it reaches everyone. Some of the new stuff is a simplified interface, improved charts, better mobile optimization, and more extensive in-product help. 

Aside from the aforementioned upgrades, there are also some necessary limitations including:

  • Reporting data for all AdSense products is now limited to the last three years.
  • YouTube and AdMob reporting data are being removed.
  • You can download your old data from either the old Reports page (until the end of September) or the new Reports page (until the end of 2020).
  • Only your scheduled reports have been migrated to the new reporting page – your saved reports haven’t been migrated.


Apple to Launch Their Own Search Engine?

Reportedly, Google has been paying Apple billions of dollars to remain their default search engine, up until July this year when the deal has come under the attention of a UK markets regulator. With this information combined with job announcements for search engineers as well as the fact that its Spotlight Search is bypassing Google Search with iOS 14 beta, it is safe to assume that we’ll soon have another player in the search engine game. 


Wrapping Up

That would be all for this installment of Digital Marketing Week in Review by Four Dots. See you next week, until then – feel free to check out our previous edition!

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Radomir Basta
CEO and lead SEO strategist at Four Dots and lecturer at Digital Marketing Institute Also an angry driver and huge tattoo fan. In love with growth hacking.

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