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Hello and welcome to another edition of Digital Marketing Week in Review by Four Dots – our weekly column where we comb through some of the most relevant news and events that took place within the digital marketing world over the last 7 days or so.

Let’s see what “May 2020: Week 1” edition brings:   

  • Google Rolled Out Its May 2020 Core Algorithm Update 
  • New LinkedIn Tools to Help You Prepare for Virtual Job Interviews
  • Facebook Cancels the ‘Pseudoscience’ Ad Targeting Category 
  • Facebook & Instagram to Provide Insight Into Where Page Posts Are Coming From
  • Google Search Console Introduces the “Copy to Clipboard” Button for Copying URLs
  • WordPress to Fix Multiple Bugs With New Vulnerability Update

Alrighty then, let’s dive right in! 


Google Rolled Out Its May 2020 Core Algorithm Update 

On May 4th, 2020, Danny Sullivan – Google’s public Search Liaison – confirmed that the company would be rolling out a core algorithm update, officially named the “May 2020 Core Update.”

The “May 2020 Core Update” is Google’s 2nd confirmed update so far in 2020. The previous one was launched back in January.

The update happened despite the predictions that Google won’t be rolling out any new core updates during the current COVID-19 outbreak. 

To learn more about this update and why it isn’t necessarily a bad thing, read this information-packed SEJ article


New LinkedIn Tools to Help You Prepare for Virtual Job Interviews

The biggest business-focused social media platform, LinkedIn, is rolling out a new set of tools in an attempt to help people ramp up their virtual job hunting game during the pandemic. The new tools should help people better prepare for job interviews as well. 

The updates include a test version of LinkedIn’s new video introduction feature, while their new AI-powered tool will also be released. The latter tool is focused on giving feedback on your spoken word responses and overall preparedness.

LinkedIn new tools for job interview assists | Four Dots

(Source: The Verge)

Here’s what was stated in their official blog post announcement

“If you’re searching for a job right now, we want to help you stand out to recruiters and prepare for your interview — which most likely will be virtual. So, we have accelerated the launch of two new features to help you put your best foot forward: we are testing a new video introduction feature and adding an artificial intelligence AI-powered instant feedback tool that analyzes speech content and patterns to help you test and refine your interview skills.”


Facebook Cancels the ‘Pseudoscience’ Ad Targeting Category 

Facebook decided to remove its pseudoscience ad category so the advertisers can no longer use it to target Facebook users. The decision took place in the wake of an investigation conducted by The Markup

According to this research, more than 78 million Facebook users were interested in pseudoscience, so Facebook decided to kill this targeting option in order to “prevent potential abuse in ads.” 

As The Verge points out, the very fact that Facebook included such a category as a targeting option for advertisers is quite strange. Especially as this social media platform is currently trying to mitigate any spread of misinformation regarding the novel coronavirus pandemic across its platforms. 

If you were lucky enough to evade all the “data-packed” conspiracy theories related to the COVID-19 pandemic, here are some of the most common ones that emerged over the past couple of months:


Facebook & Instagram to Provide Insight Into Where Page Posts Are Coming From

Facebook to start showing the location on every post shared by the Facebook pages and Instagram accounts with “high-reaches.”

This is done in an attempt to provide users more data and “help them gauge the reliability and authenticity of the content they see in their feeds.” 

For those who are perhaps wondering what Facebook considers to be a high-reaching page and/or account, the company hasn’t yet released this type of information.

The new location data will first be applied to pages and accounts based outside the US that have a high reach within US audiences primarily. 

According to Facebook, this new update is aimed at making sure election messaging is kept honest.

Here’s part of the company’s official announcement

“These changes are part of our broader efforts to protect elections and increase transparency on Facebook and Instagram so people can make more informed decisions about the posts they read, trust and share.” 

Read more here


Google Search Console Introduces the “Copy to Clipboard” Button for Copying URLs

According to Google’s Webmasters Twitter account, Google Search Console is adding a handy new improvement. Namely, GSC users are now able to copy URLs by hovering over a URL and clicking on a tool-tip style icon. 

Here’s the official GSC announcement:

This new feature should increase the workflow and boost efficiency. 


WordPress to Fix Multiple Bugs With New Vulnerability Update

WordPress is planning to roll out a new update that should fix 17 bugs and as many as 7 vulnerability issues

This WordPress update will come automatically with the WordPress 5.4.1 version, so we recommend all website owners check whether or not their WordPress installation has been updated to version WordPress 5.4.1.

More info on this update available in this SEJ article


Wrapping Up

That would be all for this installment of Digital Marketing Week in Review by Four Dots. See you next week, until then – feel free to check out our previous edition!

Stay home and stay safe.

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Radomir Basta
CEO and lead SEO strategist at Four Dots and lecturer at Digital Marketing Institute Also an angry driver and huge tattoo fan. In love with growth hacking.

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