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Hi and welcome to another edition of Digital Marketing Week in Review by Four Dots – our weekly column where we comb through some of the most relevant news and events that took place within the digital marketing world over the last 7 days or so.

Let’s see what “June 2020: Week 3” edition brings:   

  • Facebook Introduced Business Inbox in Messenger 
  • Facebook Provides New Insight Into How its Ad System Works
  • Cumulative Layout Shift to Become a Google Ranking Factor
  • Google Chrome’s Upcoming Update to Hide Certain URL Segments
  • YouTube Creators Will Be Able to Customize the Look & Feel of Their Channels

Alrighty then, let’s dive right in! 


Facebook Introduced Business Inbox in Messenger 

Business-focused Facebook users can now utilize Facebook Messenger to communicate with their customers. The platform is launching a Messenger update that will enable Facebook page owners to activate the customer message mode in Messenger and respond to the messages sent by their page audience. 

The update has been long-awaited as page owners needed a way to use the same app to communicate with their friends and family, as well as with their clients.

This has now been made possible as they can use Messenger to easily toggle between personal messages and customer messages.

Facebook Introduced Business Inbox in Messenger | Four Dots

Among the most anticipated benefits of this update is the ability to have all incoming messages conveniently grouped together within a single app. The segmentation is done in such a way that the two kinds of messages are still visibly separated in order to mitigate any potential account mix-up so you don’t send your client personal messages and vice-versa. 

Fast response is also a major advantage.

Check out this SEJ article for more details. 


Facebook Provides New Insight Into How Its Ad System Works

Some good news for those trying to wrap their head around the complex system that is Facebook’s advertising mechanism.  

As part of Facebook’s “Good Questions, Real Answers” series, the company has given brand new information explaining the way its ads system operates. 

Facebook Provides New Insight Into How its Ad System Works | Four Dots

The overview covered some of the most relevant aspects of Facebook advertising including main factors for determining which ads will be shown to which users:

  • Audience targeting – determines which users are eligible to see which ads (selected by advertisers) 
  • The auction process – influenced by a range of factors (the bid price, individual user engagement, ad quality, etc)

The new insight should help Facebook marketers better optimize their advertising campaigns in the future.

You can find more in-depth data here: Good Questions, Real Answers: How Does Facebook Use Machine Learning to Deliver Ads?


Cumulative Layout Shift to Become a Google Ranking Factor

Google metric called Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is set for a promotion.

CLS measures user experience events and will become a Google ranking factor in 2021, which means it is probably a good idea to start working on your strategies to optimize this metric in a timely manner. 

Cumulative Layout Shift is typically defined as the unplanned shifting of certain web page elements when the webpage is downloading. This shifting is usually caused by content elements such as images, videos, fonts, CTA buttons, contact forms, etc. 

Trying to decrease the CLS metric as much as possible is an important part of your website’s user experience. Subpar CLS is most typically a sign of coding issues. 

Google lists the following reasons as main drivers of poor Cumulative Layout Shift:

  • Images without dimensions
  • Ads, embeds, and iframes without dimensions
  • Dynamically injected content
  • Web Fonts causing FOIT/FOUT
  • Actions waiting for a network response before updating DOM

You can find out more about this topic in this SEJ article


Google Chrome’s Upcoming Update to Hide Certain URL Segments

According to SEJ and the documents discovered by Android Police, the next version (85) of Google’s browser won’t be showing certain parts of a website’s URL in its address bar.

Instead, it will only be showing the domain name.

The new experimental feature, that is currently being tested in a pre-release version of Chrome, is called Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Path, Query and Ref and it makes the browser hide all URL segments except the domain name.

Chrome users will, however, be able to see the entire URL by hovering over the address bar. 

The reasons for hiding the URL include:

Security – showing full URL paths may diminish the domain name – the very fulcrum of every URL – which may obscure the security levels of the site a user is visiting 

Consistency – numerous other web browsers already have this feature so Google is perhaps working on its own version of this trait in order to stay in the loop with regard to user experience. 


YouTube Creators Will Be Able to Customize the Look & Feel of Their Channels

In an attempt to make YouTube a more customizable social media platform, the company is about to provide content creators with an opportunity to make their own YouTube channels more unique. 

The creators will be able to change the look and feel of their channel’s layout and branding, among other things – making this the very first time YouTube is giving creators such level of customizability and an opportunity to make their channels stand out more. 

YouTube previewed the update in the latest Creator Insider news flash video.

“We are making YouTube Studio the creator’s destination for all things channel editing,” saw stated in a recent  Creator Insider news flash video. “As a result we will be launching the ability to customize your channel’s look and feel directly within YouTube studio. You’ll be able to customize your channel’s layout, branding, and basic info to match your creative style.”

If you find this upcoming YouTube update interesting, we suggest you read more about it here


Wrapping Up

That would be all for this installment of Digital Marketing Week in Review by Four Dots. See you next week, until then – feel free to check out our previous edition!

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Radomir Basta
CEO and lead SEO strategist at Four Dots and lecturer at Digital Marketing Institute Also an angry driver and huge tattoo fan. In love with growth hacking.

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