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We know that Christmas is the busiest time of the year, for SEOs and business owners alike. That’s why, in order to make your lives just a bit easier, and perhaps to allow you to not only buy the presents for your family but actually spend some time with them as well, we decided to share our insights in the most appropriate form possible. Naturally, there is no faster or Christmasier way to do this than with a nice, colorful infographic.

Apart from being practically guaranteed to infect with good cheer and Yuletide tingles, a quick scan of our infographic will not only make it clear to you WHY you need SEO, it should also serve as a quick guide on HOW to take care of some of the most basic and essential segments of site optimization.

It’s no secret that this is the season of shopping frenzy, when people don’t discriminate too much and are not as hesitant abou
t parting with their money as they usually are, but just like with everything that has to do with SEO, we are not focusing on short-term gain as much as we are on the long-term benefits. While having a lucrative holiday season is a beautiful thing, using that time to not only sell as much as you can but to actually create lasting relationships with your customers is not only wise but also very much in the spirit of the holiday.
Naturally, if you want to be an oasis of peace and reliability through all the hectic Christmas shopping, you can’t start working on your strategy in November. However, if you have been preparing year-round, our infographic will serve as a great a summary of the reasons for working on your SEO, and of ways to do so.

Our way to help you with organizing holiday campaigns trough easily to scan infographic with some basic strategies and ideas for a proper holiday inbound marketing campaign. We colored it in Christmas colors as well.

Happy holidays guys


Inbound Marketing Strategies for a Holiday Campaign

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Radomir Basta
CEO and lead SEO strategist at Four Dots and lecturer at Digital Marketing Institute Also an angry driver and huge tattoo fan. In love with growth hacking.

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